I've mentioned a pastor and author named Timothy Keller several times on this blog - the entry right before this one, actually. Keller is on my list of pastoral 'heroes' because of his laser-focus on the gospel, his thoughtfulness, his scholarship, and his modeling of leadership in Christ. Although he's also Presbyterian, his tribe - the PCA - has a couple of theological distinctives that I wouldn't share. I can learn from him even if we disagree on a few issues. He's a great example for my generation of leaders of how to humbly listen, speak the gospel to power within culture, to cherish what Christ has done for us and to steward the good news for the sake of others.
Twitter is a relatively new phenomenon for me. It's an social-network communication program similar to Facebook, but with one key difference. Users are only allowed to post their thoughts within the space of 140 characters - the same limitations placed on a regular text message. The challenge, then, of good communication on Twitter happens within those 140 characters. Like Shakespeare once wrote, "Brevity is the soul of wit."
Recently, Tim Keller used Twitter to host a live question-and-answer session. The transcript is below:
It's fascinating to read the questions, Keller's responses, and then to consider his limitations: 140 characters (including spaces) to answer. I hope his thoughts (and the questions being asked) help us consider how to reach out to our friends and neighbors for the sake of Christ.
Solo Dei gloria,
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