Thursday, July 25, 2013

Genrous Justice

'Justice' is a difficult term for many of us. If you're a lawyer, it goes hand-in-hand with your work and your education.  If you were raised during the turbulent 1960s and 1970s, it's a word that can carry a lot of baggage and political underpinnings.  Even in the life of the church, 'justice' has often meant a lot of confusion and distress for people who are trying to be faithful to Jesus.

But what does the Bible have to say about justice?  Why is our God a God who is known for his justice?  And why, as Tim Keller's book proclaims, is God's justice a generous justice?  [By the way - if you want to pick up a copy of Keller's book, I'd encourage you to do so and be better prepared for our sermon series and subsequent discussions.]

We'll be studying biblical justice this fall during our upcoming sermon series.  As a helpful resource before we start, I'd encourage you to read/listen/watch the following sermon from John Ortberg, senior pastor at Menlo Park Presbyterian Church in California.

Our mission is to follow Christ and share his Word.  Taking on a challenging study of justice is important to our mission, and I hope you'll join me in prayer as we prepare for what God will do to teach and lead us in our study.

Solo Dei gloria,


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