Thursday, March 21, 2013

Vulnerability, TED, and the Leadership Summit

I've only been following TED Talks for the past year or so.  TED is a global organization that brings together scholars, leaders, businesspeople, politicians, and others to share their thoughts and become a global forum for ideas.  It's not a specifically Christian venture, and it's fascinating almost every time I listen.

About 3 years ago, a talk was posted by a professor and researcher from the University of Houston (my mom's alma matter) about vulnerability.  The talk went viral and has now been viewed over 8 million times!  Here's the link to the talk by Dr. Brene Brown:

Here's her follow-up talk from last year:

I'll just warn you: in both talks, she does use a few choice words.  The content of her talk in both cases is outstanding, particularly in her initial message on vulnerability.  As a social researcher, much of her work focuses on how people navigate modern life, how we interact with each other, and what motivates us.  These are topics that Jesus knows intimately and cared about in every aspect of his ministry.

As the church, we have a lot to learn about being a more vulnerable group of people, especially in our willingness to accept others (as Christ does of us) exactly where they are.  We can welcome men and women of any background without compromising our integrity as people of the Word; one of the keys to this task is the kind of vulnerability Dr. Brown describes in her talk.

I hope you'll take a few minutes and listen to what Dr. Brown has to say.  Each talk is only 20 minutes long, and well worth your time.  Also, Dr. Brown will be one of the faculty members at this year's Leadership Summit, which will be on August 8-9 at the Avalon Theater.

May God bless us as we listen to the wisdom of others and seek to be a more vulnerable and caring community for the sake of Christ.

Solo Dei gloria,


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