Monday, March 4, 2013

Reflections from Orlando

At the end of January, several folks from FPC and I went to Orlando for the annual gathering of the Fellowship of Presbyterians.  If you're not familiar with FOP, it's a group of churches in the PC(USA) who want to intentionally connect with each other to partner and grow together in sharing the gospel.  The Holy Spirit is doing amazing work through this group of folks, many of whom are close friends and colleagues.  Glenda Moore, one of our elders, sent me her reflections on the trip.

My trip to the Fellowship Conference in Orlando was a learning experience.  What the speakers had to say keep coming back to me.  John Crosby stated that a goal of [churches affiliated with FOP] is to have more baptisms than funerals by 2018...Tod Bolsinger told us the story of Lewis & Clark.  Lewis & Clark expected to go from coast to coast on waterways in canoes, but when they reached the headwaters of the Missouri River in  Montana, all that there was between them and the Pacific Ocean were mountains--no waterways.  They found they had to listen to "another voice," that of Sacajawea who helped them attain their goal by horseback over the mountains.  

Another remembered speech was by Gary Haugen of International Justice Mission who invited us to look for trouble.  He believes that the church does not thrive in safety.  Breakout Sessions were interesting:  "Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and Jesus."  Tara Chase was a missionary and told of some of her stories.  "Lift Up Your Hearts," was about music in the church and a new hymnal that is due out this summer. 

My observations of the four churches of the people I met at lunches were mostly smaller churches struggling with declining membership.  Two of the four had joined Fellowship, one from suburban Orlando, the other from North Carolina; a third from Iowa was thinking about it, and the two elders from a suburban church in Florida wanted to convince their Session to join.  All had questions about how the affinity groups work.  My impression is that First Pres is headed in the right direction compared to the churches I was able to meet.  But Gary Haugen says that things start going downhill when we feel safest.

Let's continue to pray for FPC, for the churches with whom we share mission through the Fellowship, and for our ongoing mission and ministry.  In April, our pastors, session, and staff will head to the Denver area to meet with the four churches with whom we'll partner through the Fellowship.  Pray that our time together will lead to flourishing mission and ministry in the name of Christ.  If you'd like to know more about FOP, their website is:



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