Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What are you reading?

A few good books I'd suggest from my shelves:

Change or Die, by Alan Deutschman
Although the title is a bit harsh-sounding, the book is absolutely fascinating.  Deutschman, who writes for Fast Company and Wired magazines, outlines the key elements for creating lasting change in individuals and institutions.  He presents case studies involving heart patients, auto workers, and criminals.  It's in my top-5 books for 2013.

Deep and Wide, by Andy Stanley
Also included in my top-5 books for the year so far is Stanley's latest book, which focuses on creating church cultures which welcome and include the unchurched.  Stanley's church in Atlanta certainly knows a thing or two about reaching people for Christ, and his practical teaching has been both challenging and refreshing to read.  I'm reading Deep and Wide with a group of folks from FPC who want to see us grow in our outreach to the unchurched.

Sanctorum Communio, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Bonhoeffer is one of my heroes - he stood up against the Nazi regime in Germany and lost his life in a concentration camp days before VE-Day.  His theology covers a huge variety of topics, and Sanctorum Communio ("the community of the saints") is his doctoral thesis on the nature of the church.  I've been told that the key to understanding Bonhoeffer's later works is reading this early work.  So far, it's been a lot of theological heavy lifting, but well worth it.

Solo Dei gloria,


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